Improve The Quality Of Life For Their Citizens In Your Smart City
As cities around the world seek to become more efficient and sustainable, they are turning to smart technologies and services to improve their infrastructure and services. Advansys offers a wide range of SCADA and a unified operation center solutions that can help cities achieve their smart city goals. As, SCADA systems allow for real-time monitoring and control of city utilities, such as water and energy, while unified operation center provides a centralized platform for managing and coordinating city services.
What we do
Transform your city into a smart and efficient hub with our offered solution and expert services. Optimize operations, reduce costs, and enhance the lives of citizens with our innovative solutions.
Technology partners
Advansys has established strategic partnerships with the top technology providers, ensuring the latest technologies are used, along with a flawless integration process.
Our Clients
Our customers are among the leading medium and large enterprises, with primary focus on Industrial, Healthcare, Oil & Gas, Telecom, Financial and Governmental Sectors. In addition, our team has collaborated throughout the years with technology innovators in warehouse automation, manufacturing operations and consolidation of infrastructure digitization.​